Understanding the Challenges

Adult ADHD affects over 8 million adults in America, and more than half are undiagnosed. These adults struggle with motivation every day; they forget important things, and they resort to jumping from task to task in a desperate attempt to feel productive.

A Diagnostic Dilemma

Unfortunately, evaluating ADHD is no easy task. Even though the APA has included adult ADHD as a diagnosis since 1994, there are still no APA guidelines for adult ADHD. Screening tools for ADHD are written to diagnose children, not adults.

The Search

Adults suspecting they have ADHD often risk thousands of dollars and spend hours calling their insurance and psychiatry clinics, searching for an affordable clinician who isn’t booked out for 6 months. Even then, they may face dismissive attitudes from providers who wrongly believe ADHD vanishes at adulthood.

Medication Problems

Even if they are diagnosed with ADHD, they might find out their provider is unskilled at prescribing and adjusting medication, causing uncomfortable overstimulation or exhausting dopamine crashes every afternoon.

The Paradox of Diagnosis

The process of being evaluated for ADHD requires a massive amount of sustained attention and focus. It doesn't make much sense. People with undiagnosed adult ADHD are stuck in an impossible situation where they need treatment to navigate the labyrinth of diagnosis. Most people just give up.

Fox Fern ADHD Clinic

Founders Who Understand

Our Story

Dr. Jones' journey is not just professional but deeply personal. Having navigated his own ADHD diagnosis and witnessed the diagnostic challenges faced by his partner with ASD, he was inspired to create a neurodivergent specialty clinic that would offer the comprehensive diagnostic and treatment experience he wished for himself and his loved ones.

Enhancing the Journey

Our goal at Fox Fern ADHD Clinic is to streamline the journey towards understanding and managing neurodivergence for adults, with a particular emphasis on enhancing diagnostic procedures, and refining testing and resources for women.

Education for All

We are dedicated to advancing research that opens doors to better treatment access and to educating both neurodivergent individuals and their care teams, aiming to simplify the path to effective care.

Empowering Our Community

By integrating scientifically validated screening tools, therapy resources, and medication guides into our practice, we seek to equip our community with the knowledge and tools necessary for a more informed and personalized approach to ADHD and ASD management.

Transforming Treatment

Our vision is to transform the landscape of neurodivergent treatment, ensuring that every person with ADHD or ASD, especially those historically underserved, can navigate their journey with clarity, confidence, and comprehensive support.

Inclusive Care

It is not your responsibility to educate your psychiatry provider concerning intersectionality, feminism, or the level of discrimination you feel as a person of color or queer-identifying individual.

QTIPOC should be able to retain their cultural identities and their sexual or gender identities while visiting with their psychiatric provider instead of feeling pressured to mask or remove themselves from their culture.

Human lives cannot be fully understood by a list of words meant to categorize, such as mental illness, gender, race, or sexual orientation. Lived experience is an interactive process that goes beyond individual labels, and we both welcome and expect nuanced identity stories.

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