Our ADHD assessment includes a personalized ADHD Profile that assesses for tertiary aspects of ADHD like Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Pervasive Drive for Autonomy (PDA), Hyper Empathy, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as a focus on screening for all the known advantages of ADHD.
We also assess for 24 additional behavioral health conditions, including General Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Panic Attacks, OCD, Bipolar disorder, and Sleep disorders.
By the end of our second visit, you will have a thoroughly considered diagnosis and treatment plan. If ADHD is present, patients can expect 3-4 follow-up visits for medication trials scheduled about 1 or 2 months apart.
Most ADHD patients have co-occurring behavioral health conditions. Often, these have developed from years of coping with untreated ADHD. We will often treat ADHD first because treatment for ADHD improves their quality of life much more quickly and effectively than treatment with antidepressants. After ADHD is stabilized, we can address any remaining behavioral health conditions. Follow-up visits for optimizing medications for other co-occurring conditions (e.g., sleep disorders, anxiety) are typically scheduled every 1-2 months. Visit frequency is dependent on our patient's individual needs and goals.
We find that ADHD treatment is effective in over 95% of our patients. Most patients do very well, and after a few follow-up visits, they enter the maintenance phase of treatment, during which we continue to refill medications and support additional skill-building and self-care.
On average, our ADHD patients achieve a ‘maintenance phase’ (stable with regular visits every 3 months) after 4-7 visits or 2-4 months after their initial visit.
Our adult ASD assessment includes a personalized ASD Profile that assesses for tertiary aspects of ASD like Alexithymia, Repetitive Behaviors, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and Pervasive Drive for Autonomy (PDA).
We also assess for 24 additional behavioral health conditions, including General Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Panic Attacks, OCD, Bipolar disorder, and Sleep disorders.
By the end of our second visit, you will have a thoroughly considered diagnosis and treatment plan.
Most ASD patients have co-occurring behavioral health conditions. Often, these have developed from years of coping with untreated ASD. We will often treat sleep or anxiety-related disorders first. After sleep, anxiety, and ASD are stabilized, we can address any remaining behavioral health conditions.
On average, our ASD patients achieve ‘maintenance phase’ (stable with regular visits every 3 months) after 4-6 visits or 3-5 months after their initial visit.
Our initial assessment for depression or anxiety-related disorders includes an anxiety-depression Profile that assesses for most common physical signs, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that are characteristic of depression or anxiety-related disorders.
We also assess for 24 additional behavioral health conditions, including PTSD, Panic disorder, OCD, Bipolar disorder, and Sleep disorders.
Our initial assessment for depression or anxiety-related disorders includes an anxiety-depression Profile that assesses for most common physical signs, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that are characteristic of depression or anxiety-related disorders.
We also assess for 24 additional behavioral health conditions, including PTSD, Panic disorder, OCD, Bipolar disorder, and Sleep disorders.